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C2, 185 Gloucester Street, Sydney NSW 2000

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Sydney 2 : Level 7, 10 Bridge Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Sydney Facility : 2A Glendenning, Road, Glendenning NSW 2761

Brisbane : Level 11, 458 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006

Factory : 2A Glendenning Road, Glendenning NSW 2761

GoZero FAQ

GoZero is a Zero Emissions solutions provider integrating the best of Electric Vehicle products, charging infrastructure, software solutions and services. Combining the best of breed, enabling customers to transition their traditional ICE Vehicle Fleets to Electric Vehicle Fleets. GoZero is a trusted partner who understands each part that makes up the whole journey to decarbonising the transport of people and goods.
Any type of vehicles can be integrated into a zero emissions transport including but not limited to Passenger, Light and Heavy commercial.
Technology plays are large role in Zero Emissions transport. One of GoZero offerings is our Zenergy platform application, with the main aim the of system to track your current Zero Emissions fleet, Geo-location, state of charge, maintenance amongst many other features adding immense value to your operational environment.
GoZero looks at the wholistic picture and supports our clients to transition their entire eco-system. This includes assets such as vehicles and fleets, services such as operational analysis and route optimisation reducing km’s driven, and energy analysis and alternate energy solutions such as renewable that can enhance the overall offering.
There are various challenges businesses can experience such as deport/warehouse power supply impacting charging infrastructure, Zero Emission vehicle range and anxiety and simply knowledge and awareness. Change can be daunting, However GoZero is here to work with you to ensure your journey is a safe and easy Zero Emissions transition.
Comparing traditional ICE to Zero Emission vehicles, the reduction in harmful emissions released into the air improving air quality to the boarder public, below are some high-level numbers. Electric Passenger Cars – can emit up to 80% less CO2 and other harmful emissions. Electric Passenger Buses –are also quieter, less noise pollution and emit 62% less harmful emissions than an average diesel bus (as the energy supply chain is decarbonised this could move close to 80 %) Electric Trucks –are quieter, less noise pollution and emit 63% less harmful emission than an average diesel Truck (as the energy supply chain is decarbonised this could move close to 80 – 85%)
Renewable energy sources are key to contributing to a carbon neutral and net zero eco-system zero. This energy can be generation onsite, such as rooftop solar, behind the meter or source from other renewables (wind turbines) and brought to site down the traditional poles and wires.
Globally the world has embraced the need to de-carbonise and reduce harmful emissions from ICE Vehicles. This is already happening and can be seen in the shift to generate our electrical power needs from renewable energy resources. Zero Emissions vehicles is the next evolution of technology to support the wave to reduce harmful emissions globally.
Some of the barriers are 1. The human fear and uncertainty and unknowns of the Zero Emissions new technology. This requires education and understanding of the new technologies and advancements in Electric Vehicles. 2. Charging Infrastructure required to enable Zero Emission vehicles. Currently there is a massive push to increase the access to charging infrastructure to the public, not just having the reliance on business premises and households to fund the infrastructure. 3. Government and policies not keeping up with the rapid change in technology in the EV sector. Governments are embracing the change, but as new technologies are being released, it does take time to understand the implications that may occur. 4. Upfront capital cost of Zero Emissions is currently at a premium to ICE vehicles. Advancements in technologies and economies of scale are helping to bring these costs down to parity. In addition, the consideration to the economics of the total cost of ownership of ICE vs Zero Emissions, given running costs of Zero Emissions are substantially lower, this levels the playing field.
Governments have a key role to enable the transition to Zero Emissions, by putting into place key policy and regulatory reforms to provide guidelines as Australia moves towards the Global targets. Some of these could include : – Tax rebates or reforms such as removal of fringe benefits tax for Zero Emissions – Enabling recharging infrastructure upgrades – Target dates and time frames for new vehicles sales to only be Zero Emissions – Public transport transition policies and plans for new passenger vehicles to be only Zero Emissions

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